The split step entry is extremely effective in that it allows you to attack your opponent’s stance regardless of the stance he takes (squared stance,left foot forward or right foot forward). If you are fighting from a right forward lead there is no need to change your stance or even move you opponent around to position him for a throw.  If fighting out of a right lead stance your right leg will always move to the inside of your opponent’s right leg regardless if he is leading with his right or not.

1.) Blue is standing in a right foot forward lead. White is fighting out of a Left foot forward lead. Blue’s knees are bent and his center of gravity low. Twist the upper body clockwise bring the left hand and shoulder to the front closer to the opponent. With a lefty be mindful that he may initiate a left-handed attack/left lead grip attempt. As in a right vs. right situation, your right shoulder should be more toward your rear and not out front and easily accessible for your opponent to grip and attack. 

2.) Blue punches in with the left hand and grips the opponent’s gi right above the armpit. Blue’s right hand is up and defending any attempts by the opponent to get his grip. 

3.) Immediately after the getting the grip, Blue pulls the opponent with the left hand rocking him forward up off his heels. Simultaneously, Blue steps his left foot up to his right foot. As Blue steps in with his right foot his knees are bent more and his belt line should be lower than his opponent’s belt line.

4.) Blue reaches his right arm around the opponent’s back grabbing the opponent’s gi at the shoulder  as he steps his right foot between the opponent’s feet. As the right foot lands the toes of both feet should be pointing in the direction of the throw. Blue’s right foot should be insode and just past the opponent’s right foot. The toes of Blue’s right foot should be just past the heel of the opponent’s right foot. Blue continues the pull with the left hand breaking the opponent’s balance to his front (note that blue has his opponent’s head out past his feet). 

5.) Blue steps back with his left foot. As the left foot moves back the opponent’s feet should start to come off the mat. Blue straighten his legs quickly, lifting his opponent as he bends forward popping his hips upward into the opponent.  

6.) Blue twists his torso to the left by taking his left elbow toward his left knee or hip to finish the throw.























