IPPON SEOI NAGE – Right vs Left – First grip, first attack (Split Step entry)
1.) Blue is standing in a right foot forward lead. White is standing in a left foot forward. Blue’s knees are bent and his center of gravity low. Twist the upper body clockwise bring the left hand and shoulder to the front closer to the opponent. In a right vs. right situation your right shoulder should be more toward your rear and not out front and easily accessible for your opponent to grip and attack. You left hand is your attacking hand and your right hand is the defensive hand.
2.) From a ready position, much like delivering a cross in boxing, Blue punches in with his left hand and grips the opponent’s gi right above the armpit. Blue’s right hand is up and defending any attempts by the opponent to get a grip of his own.
4.) Blue brings his right hand up under the opponent’s right armpit. He pivots counter clockwise on the left foot and continues to pull with the left hand. Blue’s right foot steps back between the opponent’s feet. The toes of both of Blue’s feet should be pointing in the direction of his throw. Blue pinches the opponent’s right arm at his arm pit between Blue’s right forearm and bicep. Rotate the palm of the right hand toward your head (this creates a tighter clamp on the opponent’s arm).
5.) Blue steps back with his left foot between the opponent’s feet (as you step back with the left foot your opponent’s feet should start to raise up off the mat). Blue straightens his legs quickly and pops his hips upward into the opponent.
6.) Blue continue to pull and twist his torso to the left, taking his right elbow toward his left knee to finish throwing the opponent to the mat.